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Main QuickJump window

The main QuickJump window is designed to help you find any Windows folder with just a few keystrokes.

When you find a folder, you can:

  • Open it in Windows Explorer.
  • Change folder in a “File Open” or “Save As” dialog of most Windows Applications.
  • Copy the path to the Clipboard.
  • Run Custom Commands on that folder.
  • Advanced: Send path as text to a console application, so you can use it in a shell command.
Main QuickJump window

Quickly finding and navigating windows folders

When the main window opens, it will list all your folders, which can be a very long list. You can see on the lower-left corner of the above screenshot that QuickJump has a list of 73,357 folders. Trying to scroll through all of them looking for the right folder would be tedious and very slow. There is a much faster way!

Start typing the words (or word fragments) which you know occur in the folder name or in the name of one of its parent folders. The list will be filtered to show only the folders matching what you have typed. (Sometimes this lookup method is called “type ahead”).

If you still see more than a handful of folders in the list, do not try to scroll it - it will slow you down. Type a space and enter a second word fragment. If you need to narrow it down even further, type another space and another word, etc. Keep doing so until you are left the folder you are looking for.

The search words will be matched in any order - they do not need to be listed in the same order they appear in the folder path.

For example, inv pa cme matches Acme\Invoices\Paid in the screenshot above. inv matches Invoices, pa - Paid and cme matches the end of Acme. The search tokens can be in any order. pa acm inv would have matched the same folder.

After you have found the folder, hit Enter to select it or invoke one of the Custom Commands you have configured.

Advanced folder filtering operators

QuickJump supports the following search operators to perform more advanced filtering. Operators prefix a search term with a special token, such as not: or name:.

Exclude operator (not:)

Prefix a search term with not: to exclude folders from the list.

For example, clients not:archived shows all folders which include the word clients, but not archived in the folder path.

Name-only match operator (name:)

Prefix a search term with name: to match only the folder name itself and not its path.

For example, name:clients would match M:\Docs\Clients, but not M:\Docs\Clients\Acme.

Main window options

Input Field

Enter space-separated search word fragments to find the folder you are looking for.

Create Subfolder Button

Create a new folder as a subfolder of the currently selected folder.

Scan-In-Progress Indicator

QuickJump will display “*” on the right-hand-side of the status bar (lower-right of the main window) while scan is in progress.

Please note that depending on the number of folders you have, it may take several minutes for the scan to finish. QuickJump intentionally does not go full speed in order to avoid any chance of slowing down your computer.

Tools - Configure Folder Locations Menu

Opens the Configure Folder Locations Window.

Tools - Rescan Folders Menu

Rescan all folders and rebuilt the folder list.

Usually you do not have to invoke this command. QuickJump auto-detects new folders. However, if you are not seeing some newly created folders in the list, try running Rescan.

Tools - Options Menu

Displays the Options Window.

Tools - Configure Custom Commands Menu

Displays the Configure Custom Commands Window.

Tools - Export Configuration Menu
Export configuration to a file, which can be imported on another computer.

You can import the configuration file on another computer you own, or share it with colleagues so everybody uses the same settings.

Tools - Import Configuration Menu

Import configuration from a file.

Tools - Checks For Updates Menu

Check if a newer version is available.

View - Increase Font Size Menu

Increase the folder list font size.

View - Decrease Font Size Menu

Decrease the folder list font size.

View - Increase Window Transparency Menu

Make the QuickJump window more transparent. (Not available under remote sessions for performance reasons).

View - Decrease Window Transparency Menu

Make the QuickJump window less transparent. (Not available under remote sessions for performance reasons).

Help - User Guide Menu

Open QuickJump User Guide.

Help - Keyboard Hotkeys Menu

Display hotkey information.

Help - About Menu

Displays the About window where you can find version and license information.