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Options Window

You can configure settings which affect how some of the SnoozeIt commands work using the Options Window.

Snooze Tab

Snooze tab of the SnoozeIt Options window
When Snoozing A Message

This set of options controls how messages are snoozed.

Mark The Message As Read

Mark messages as read when snoozing.

Show Number Of Snoozes In A Category

Assign a category with the number of times a message has been snoozed to every snoozed message.

Default To Morning For Durations Of 2 Days Or Longer

By default, when snoozing for 2, 3, 4 days, the snooze interval is set to exactly 48, 72, 96 hours. If you prefer that the message is unsnoozed in the morning of the corresponding day, enable this option.

When Unsnoozing A Message

This set of options controls how SnoozeIt notifies you about Unsnoozed messages.

Mark The Messages Unread

Mark the messages as unread when unsnoozing.

Set A follow up flag

Set Outlook follow up flag on the message. You can then sort your Inbox by the flag column to see all flagged messages at the top.

Make The Message Appear In Outlook To-Do List

Show this message in the To-Do list in Outlook’s Tasks pane.

Display Outlook Reminder

Display Outlook reminder window when a message is unsnoozed. If you click “Snooze” in the reminder window, SnoozeIt will snooze this message again for the amount of time you specify there.

Unsnooze Into The Original Folder

Enable this option to unsnooze message to the folder from which it was snoozed. By default, messages are unsnoozed into the default Inbox.

Advanced Tab

Enable Troubleshooting Log

Enable diagnostics log.

Open Log Folder

Display the troubleshooting log in a Windows Explorer Window.