SimplyFile Alternatives

SimplyFile is the perfect tools for filing and organizing Outlook email. Here we describe a few alternatives.

SimplyFile vs. drag and drop

Most Outlook filers, who are not aware of SimplyFile, file email using drag and drop. That is a very laborious process. For each message:

  • If you have more than a handful of folders, and they do not all fit into Outlook favorites, first you must find the right folder. That involves potentially drilling through multiple levels of folders in the folder pane on the left-hand size of Outlook.
  • Then you move back to the message list and pick up the message with the mouse.
  • You drag the email to the folder.
  • You carefully drop the message, making sure it goes into the folder you intended and not the one next to it.

That is a very laborious process, involving quite a few operations and can easily take 5 to 20 seconds per message.

With SimplyFile, filing an Outlook message takes literally one click. Click, click, click... and all messages from your inbox are nicely filed. It will save you at least 30 minutes per week, and usually much more.

Additionally, SimplyFile prompts you to file sent messages as you are sending them .

SimplyFile vs. Outlook rules

Some Outlook users use rules to automatically file messages into subfolders. Rules work great to handle messages which you do not need to read when they arrive, but need to keep for the future. As long as you do not require too many rules (under 10), rules can be a good solution.

Rules are not usable for messages which you need to read and act on before you file them. Rules are also hard to maintain if you have more than a few of them.

SimplyFile vs. VBA scripts

Some advanced users venture into building their own VBA scripts to organize their inboxes. This can be a very rewarding experience if you are technically inclined. However, VBA performance hits a limit very quickly. Also, it is hard to achieve the same level of polish with a VBA script as with a commercial product, into which we have invested many man-years of top-notch Sillicon Valley developer effort.

SimplyFile vs. Categories (Tags)

While most Outlook users organize messages by filing them into folders, some prefer using tags. (Outlook calls tags categories). There is no definitive answer here. Most users find folders more intuitive - that is what they are used to. The primary advantage of tags is an ability to assign multiple tags to a message. You cannot file a message into two folders without making duplicate copies. If you decide to use categories (tags) to manage Outlook email, try SimplyTag. SimplyTag does for tagging what SimplyFile does for filing - makes it much more simple and efficient.