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Filing History Window

The Filing History window displays a list of recently filed messages. To open this window, click More -> Show Filing History.

  • If you forgot where you filed a message, you can use filing history to find it.
  • Just as important, filing history can serve as a sort of a work log. It is a convenient way to remind yourself what you have worked on recently. You can use it when you are filling out a time report, creating a bill for your clients or writing a status report.
SimplyFile Filing History window

Filing History Display

Date Range Filter

Select the “filed” date range. Messages filed within that range are displayed.

Search Filter

Search filters the range based on a set of words you are looking for. You can use multiple space-separated words. For example, if you search for "TechHit SimplyFile", only entries that include both words are displayed. The words are matched against the Sender and Subject fields of the message. You can also use word fragments instead of entire words. For example, techh simplyf. Search is not case sensitive.

Filing History Right Click Menu

Right-click on an entry in the History list to open the corresponding message or go to the folder into which that messages was filed.

Filing History Columns

  • From - Message sender.
  • Subject - Message subject.
  • Filed - Date when the message was filed.
  • Folder - Outlook folder path where the message was filed.